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AICS Complaint Handling Policy 


Australian Investment Company Services Limited (AICS) is an AFS licensee. AICS is committed to ensuring that all complaints are handled promptly, and complainant are treated with respect. If you have a complaint about AICS or services you should direct this to the AICS Complaints Officer on (03) 96650 9911 or in writing to :

The Complaints Officer

Australian Investment Company Services Limited

Level 21

101 Collins Street

Melbourne VIC 3000

All complaints will be acknowledged within one business day of receipt. AICS will investigate complaints it receives and with provide a response within 30 calendar days of receiving the complaint.

You may also approach AFCA if we have not provided a solution to your complaint within 30 calendar days of you lodging your complaint with us or if you are not satisfied with the response or solution. This is a free service available to all our clients. AFCA can be contacted through the following means.

Telephone 1800 931 678 (free call)

Email [email protected]


Mail Australian Financial Complaints Authority

GPO Box 3

Melbourne VIC 3001

AFCA is an independent body and is approved by ASIC to consider complaints. AFCA’s operations are financed by its members, including us. AFCA is free to consumers. For information on the AFCA Rules governing its jurisdiction and processes, please refer to